'8 a.m. | Rise and Grind | Food Town | PBS Food'

'8 a.m. | Rise and Grind | Food Town | PBS Food'
03:15 May 17, 2024
'Fresh seafood comes at a high price and a painstaking preparation before it gets to the plate. Chefs Ricky Moore (Saltbox Seafood Joint) and Michael Lee (M Sushi, M Kokko) guide us through the beautiful process.   In Food Town USA, a day in Durham is sliced, fried, and diced into a fast-paced countdown of 24 hours inside the Bull City’s hip and happening restaurant scene. Viewers meet the eccentrics, gastro-nerds and entrepreneurs who helped create the South’s recently-crowned “Tastiest Town.” Packed with flavorful explorations from sunup to sundown, Food Town takes viewers inside kitchens and dining rooms.     PBS Food celebrates a love of food and cooking with the best recipes and fresh ingredients. No gimmicks, just food. Find recipes from your favorite cooking shows and more: http://www.pbs.org/food   Follow PBS Food on Twitter: @PBSFood' 

Tags: Food , durham , pbs , chefs , restaurants , north carolina

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